Monday, March 3, 2008

Fancy Weekend

We celebrated Lia's bday and went to the Sidewalk Cafe and had SANGRIA! yummy tasty SANGRIA! A couple next to us kept staring, we weren't being unusually loud- but made me notice that the man was like 60 and his clingy mate was in her early 30's- fine with me, but seemed to bother them more- she would kiss him and he would slyly look over as if anyone was looking. Love is love at any age-let the world see it, show her you love her you fool!

I had cleaned house on Friday night, as I knew that my morning would be busy. My niece spent the night. Giselle invited her to the bookstore to see what Fancy Nancy was all about. We knew there would be a book signing since we had gone last Sunday. We were there early and had fun during reading time. Kids are truly so cute. I was hungry and needed my tea, but they just made me laugh and forget my hunger. Robin, the book's illustrator was so good with them, just to see my daughter look for me in the crowd to say "Hi mommy" as a sign of security made me proud. Fancy Nancy is so much like Giselle and her baby sister looks just like my Julianna- I bought the collection! And my niece scored too!

Nevertheless, I spent $$$ bucks on this priceless outing with my fancy one!

Later that day, I went shopping for work clothes with/for Julianna's godmother. I have a gift, I can so easily shop for anybody else! I should be a buyer! We had sushi and shopped til we dropped. I bought navy shoes! I love them-navy, pointed toe shoes- dark enough to go for black but blue enough to show the true color!

We then joined our husbands for a road trip that wasnt so quick- I missed Lia's dinner. I guess I'll HAVE to invite her for more SANGRIA!

I got up and went to the Gym! I made it to the aerobics class! There was this lady that distracted me, she was trying too hard and was hunching over making me want to tell her she wasnt doing it right! But then again, I am not the instructor! LOL! I didn't want her to hurt herself. I wanted no distractions because I was FOCUSED :)

My hunny and I decided to bypass the restaurants and just bar-b-cue at home. The afternoon was so lovely we enjoyed our carne asada as our girls played in the yard.

What a nice weekend I had!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love fancy nancy books too...julia received her 1st copy on her 1st birthday from one of my coworkers.

cleaning...ugh! I took off tuesday just so i could clean my house. I can't clean when julia is home with me.

the gym...i just started going back this past monday. I haven't joined any classes..i continue to hear great things about the cycling class. Now that i'm not breastfeeding as much I feel like i'm gaining weight (actually i can see it). I truly believe breastfeeding helped me get back to normal after pregnancy... Because up until monday, i had never excercised or really watched my food intake. :(