Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Funky Perfume

What is that smell! it burns my nose, makes me nauseous! This lady in our lab wears unbearable perfume, mixed with lysol spray from the bathroom can cause upset stomach! I want to ask her what it is, so i know the name, but then will that encourage her to wear it. I cant tell her it wreaks, she wears it daily!

I know every perfume smells different on people, and thats why it takes me forever to settle on one that is chemically balanced for me.

Smells i dislike ever since i was pregnant: Victoria's Secret Pear lotion- reminds me of refried beans- odd, but i cant wear it and wont buy it for anybody so i wont have to smell it.

Mushrooms in red wine sauce- will make me hurl!


susana said...

we have a few of those over here...sorry cuz i have no clue on how to let them know that.

diana said...

Woah. I hate other people's perfume. Gag! Actually, I have never smelled perfume on someone else and liked it!