Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Inspiration

Today i want to thank Megin,Diana and Sharkbait for inspiring me.
Megin, because our minds are incredibly similar and am glad that i am not alone with my ideas. You always agrees with me or cant stand my sarcasm, but i wouldn't be me without it.
Diana, everyday life is priceless...thanks for reminding me
Sharkbait, u make my day fun, i love that you are so optimistic and find it amusing that you wear your chucks with slacks oooh ha ha!


Anonymous said...

Great Minds Think Alike Sweets! Us and our minds...what can be better :)You Inspire me as I do you. I look forward to our movie blogging.

Love you

diana said...

I am looking forward to your many wonderful posts! Keep on blogging! :)